AUGUST, 2024

Foodbank Victoria’s Virtual Food Drive

Facing unprecedented demand due to Australia's cost of living crisis, Foodbank Victoria turns to a Virtual Food Drive to meet the urgent need for food relief.

The challenge

As the cost of living crisis worsens across Australia, Foodbank Victoria is facing one of its biggest challenges yet. With more people relying on their services, the demand for food relief has surged, creating an urgent need for an emergency food drive.

In August, with no new campaign on the horizon and just wrapping up their winter appeal, Foodbank Victoria planned a traditional food drive. Supporters were encouraged to drop off food donations at their Yarraville warehouse—essential to restock their shelves.

However, not all supporters could physically visit the warehouse, and this limitation risked losing vital contributions. This challenge sparked an idea:

What if they could replicate the experience of donating food—but online?

From this need, the Virtual Food Drive was born. The goal was to provide donors with a meaningful experience, replicating the feeling of selecting and donating food in person, but in a virtual space.

The solution

Using Funraisin’s shop functionality, Foodbank Victoria allowed supporters to "purchase" essential food items online. The items were priced to reflect the actual goods needed to provide meals for the increasing number of people seeking help.

With the concept in place, Foodbank Victoria launched a multichannel communications strategy to drive engagement. They sent emails to existing supporters and activated both paid and organic social media campaigns.

Corporate partners played a crucial role in the strategy. Foodbank Victoria used trackable UTM links to report back on the impact of their contributions.

Influencers helped spread the word, media outlets provided excellent coverage, and a live broadcast from the Foodbank warehouse further extended their reach.

Urgency and simplicity

The campaign’s core message was simple but powerful: Foodbank Victoria was running out of food and needed immediate help to restock their shelves. This clear call to action was key to the campaign’s success.

Despite the tight timeline, the Virtual Food Drive was a huge success. In just three weeks, the campaign attracted more new donors than other recent efforts and matched the impact of their six-week winter appeal.

One standout result was the community’s generosity. The $100 donation option—the highest value item—was the most popular choice, showing the depth of compassion within the community Foodbank Victoria serves.

The campaign’s tangible impact also motivated supporters. Social media updates showed donations being distributed at markets just days after being received, reinforcing the immediate difference every contribution made.

Lessons and the road ahead

The Virtual Food Drive taught Foodbank Victoria valuable lessons: keeping the message simple, creating a strong call to action, and making contributions feel real and immediate are essential for success. The campaign proved that even in tough times, quick thinking and smart use of technology can lead to significant results.

Looking ahead, Foodbank Victoria plans to replicate this successful campaign. The strong sense of community and the tangible nature of the Virtual Food Drive resonated deeply with their supporters, showing that a well-executed idea can indeed rally a community and create real change—especially during a crisis.

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