Site of the Month: 
Recipe for Change

Shelter's culinary Christmas fundraising campaign serves up a recipe for change

Recipe for Change is a Christmas fundraising campaign that gives people the opportunity to cook and share a meal whilst learning more about homelessness and raise awareness of the human stories behind the housing crisis.

Fundraisers are asked to host a dinner party or social gathering and cook a dish that has been created by someone impacted by homelessness - a ‘taste of home’ that tells the story of that individual's journey. Using a personalised event and donation page the organiser sets a price for the meal, which guests will donate for their place at the table.

There’s no minimum fundraising amount needed and participants are free to set their own fundraising targets. Organisers can also diversify their fundraising efforts using free to download activity guides. Examples include themed parlour games, quizzes, challenges and an invitation to take part in Shelter's annual One Voice Carol Concert.

Participants in Recipe for Change are encouraged to share the stories behind their chosen recipe on their social media channels to encourage friends and family to donate. Social media fundraising can make a huge difference to community fundraising events; a fundraiser that shares a social page will often achieve 40% higher totals than those that don’t.

Shelter have built Recipe for Change in an adaptable model using their Funraisin platform. This means that although Recipe for Change is an in-person event, it has the capability to switch to a virtual format if necessary. With the Christmas period also bringing with it a risk associated to COVID, the flexibility of a hybrid fundraising model highlights Shelter’s commitment to their supporters, and willingness to innovate.


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